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Work in Progress      

The following working documents are available for review and comments by interested parties:

Simula, M. 2020. Forest certification: past trends and future options.

Simula, M. 2020. Certification forestière: tendances passées et défis futurs

Simula, M. 2019. Impactos de tendencias internacionales en el sector forestal mexicano.Programa de la cooperación bilateral en materia forestal entre México y Finlandia. Guadalajara, el 6 de mayo de 2019. Powerpoint.

Simula, Markku. 2014. Forest-related targets and indicators for integration in the Sustainable Development Goals. Collaborative Partnership on Forests. 

Simula, Markku. 2014. La certificación forestal en Europa - tendencias y retos. Sugerencias para México. Foro sobre los bosques de Puebla y el compromiso con la sustentabilidad. Puebla, Pue., el 9 de mayo 2014. 

Simula, Markku. 2013. Towards Feasible and Realistic Financing Strategies for Sustainable Forest Management. United Nations Forum on Forests Ad Hoc Expert Group on Forest Financing. Vienna, Austria 14-18 January 2013 

Simula, Markku. 2012. Forest certification – its relevance for environment and sustainable forest management. Fórum Sustentabilidad e Governança. Curitiba, 21-22  August  2012 .

Simula, M. 2012. Panorama du financement international de la gestion durable des forêts. Conférence des Acteurs Français sur les Forêts Tropicales. Paris, 11 et 12 janvier 2012. Presentation Powerpoint.

Simula, M. & Mansur, E. 2011.A global challenge needing local response. Unasylva 238, Vol 62 2011/2: 3-7.

Simula, M. 2009. Impacts of Public Procurement Policies on 
Competitiveness of Wood and Wood-Based Products. Powerpoint presentation.

Simula, M. 2009. Forest Degradation: The Unattended Party in REDD+.
UN-REDD Programme Newsletter Issue #5

Simula, Markku. 2009. Developments and Progress in Timber Procurement Policies as Tools to Promote Sustainable Management of Tropical Forests.Draft report prepared for ITTO in cooperation with Baharuddin Haji Ghazali, Richard Eba'a Atyi and Oscar Perez Contreras.


Simula, M. 2009. Towards Defining Forest Degradation. Comparative Analysis of Existing Definitions. Discussion Paper prepared for FAO. September 2009.

Simula, Markku. 2009. Key Issues for Development of the Intra-African Trade in Tropical Timber and Timber Products. ITTO International Conference on Promotion of Intra-African Trade in Timber and Timber Products. Accra, Ghana, 30 June-2 July 2009. Powerpoint Presentation.

Simula, Markku. 2009. REDD Financing. Background Paper for The Forests
Dialogue. 25-26 April 2009, New York.

 Simula, M. 2017. Manejo forestal sustentable: conceptos y retos.

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